Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Get Paid Faster with Automated Late Fees

Why is it that doctor bills always seem to get ignored?

When it comes time for patients to pay their bills, the doctor always seems to be the last one to get paid.

It's time to start thinking like credit card companies and begin adding late fees to your patient bills.

KIP Deluxe Version 11 makes this happen - automatically.

KIP automatically inserts late fees, which get payments from patients super fast. Users tell us that patients call as soon as they get the bill, and will agree to send the payment ASAP if you agree to write-off the late fee.

(Credit card companies will also agree to write off late fees, as long as you don't do it more than once or twice a year).

It works amazingly well - and you get to decide how much the late fee will be and how many ignored bills have to be mailed before they appear. The sooner you start adding the late fees, the sooner you will get paid.

So, start thinking like the credit card companies, and see how fast you get paid.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Use Automated Letters as an EMR Template

Printing automated letters has always been a powerful feature of KIP Deluxe. You have the ability to print a single document or letter, or a group of letters (all with data merged in, if desired) with a single click.

Here are some examples of how to use KIP automated letters:

1. You frequently do a specific routine procedure that requires a consent form, and post-op instructions. With a single click, the consent form is printed with the patient's name, the date and time of the procedure, along with the post-op instructions.

2. You have a patient who is having an elective procedure at the hospital. With a single click, you can generate:

a. Pre-op orders
b. Pre-op instructions for the patient
c. Post-op instructions
d. A courtesy letter to the primary care physician

3. You frequently provide a specific item or service which requires a "Letter of Medical Necessity" which your staff can generate with a single click.

KIP also allows you to store each document you generate automatically as a EMR note entry.

Use automated letters as an EMR template

Now, printing automated letters in KIP has a new trick - the ability to preview and edit the document before printing.

This works amazingly well for entering chart notes. You can set up a template for a complete exam, quickly modify or add the values specific to that patient, and it's saved as a EMR note.

And the template remains unchanged for the next time you use it.

You can set up as many automated letters as you want, and mix and match them together any way you want.

That means, if your post-op instructions are the same for a few types of procedures, you just select it as one of the items that should print when you choose that automated letter group.

You enter automated letters by simply typing into the KIP word processor. If you have letters already written, you can just copy and paste them into KIP.

Click on the letter you want and ..... it prints! It's as easy as that.

Use your imagination on how KIP Automated Letters can work for you and let us know. We will be glad to share your ideas with everyone else.

PECOS Searches are now Totally Automated

If you take Medicare, you already know (or should know) about PECOS.

PECOS is the Medicare "Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System." Medicare is requiring all doctors to be enrolled in the PECOS system.

How do you do this?

Simply by making any kind of change to your Medicare status - such as, an address change, or enrolling in electronic payment. Medicare requires that with any kind of change to your Medicare status, you also enroll in the PECOS system.

OK, so now that you have already enrolled into PECOS, everything is OK, right? Well, not exactly.

If you dispense items (such as Durable Medical Equipment (DME) or any other item that requires referring authorization), the authorizing physician also needs to be enrolled in PECOS or your claim will be denied.

For example, a podiatrist believes the patient requires diabetic shoes. He gets authorization from the doctor who monitors the patient's diabetes and subsequently dispenses the shoes prior to billing Medicare - only to find out, later on, the payment was denied. Why? Because the authorizing doctor is not enrolled in PECOS.

The podiatrist is in the PECOS system and does everything by the book, and still the claim is denied.

This is what will happen beginning January 1, 2011 (as of right now, Medicare is just issuing warnings).

What a pain. It's up to the rendering provider (the podiatrist, in this case) to make sure the referring provider (the PCP) is enrolled in the PECOS system. And how is that done? Well, you have to go online and search for the PCP in the PECOS database - and lately, who has time for that?

Well, KIP has changed all that.

Beginning with KIP Deluxe version 11.2, if you see a green check mark next to the referring provider's name, everything is A-OK.

See a red "X" and, instantly, you know this doctor is not PECOS enrolled.

That's it. Nothing else to do.

Do you see a green check mark? Then, everything is OK.

See a red "X - oops, not in PECOS.

No searching. No going online. Nothing to click. Nothing to do at all. Once the PECOS update is installed into KIP, it's all 100% automatic.

Now, you can be reassured that your claim will go through, and eliminate denials because the referring doctor is not enrolled in the PECOS system.

Monday, November 8, 2010

KIP is Optimized for Remote Access

Imagine having two or more offices, but still having all your data centralized.

With KIP, you can have all your data in one place, with your remote office (or offices) using multiple computers to access that data. That means data in your main office (such as billing records and EMR notes) can be accessed remotely from your second office. And data from your remote office can be entered remotely to your main location.

Finally, you can save duplication of services by using a centralized location to handle patient billing and patient recalls. There is no longer a need to have separate billing staff in both locations. And, no longer a need to have people moving back and forth between two locations.

Want to see how the other office is doing at any time during the day? Just bring up the Day Sheet for that office. You can see all the charges entered, all the payments - even who showed up for their appointments and who did not.

KIP is able to move this data back and forth so efficiently, that there is no longer a need to purchase a server computer and server software for the second office, either - which is a major savings for those with multiple offices.

And, access is not limited to just the second or third office. Doctors can access their data from home just as though they were at the office. They can see totals, graphs, appointments - even enter chart notes and print reports - all from home.

KIP gives you all this power for less cost than many systems charge for their basic software package alone - and now, you can use this power to save even more.