Saturday, January 31, 2009

4D v11.3 SQL Hotfix 2 Released

It was just a few days ago when 4D v11.3 Hotfix 2 was released with another myriad of issues addressed. So far, the crashes experienced with the previous version have been addressed, and things seem to be running smoothly. There does appear to be one annoying bug which remains. It does not appear to corrupt any data but does make data entry on invoices difficult.

As of right now, I believe this issue is annoying enough to prevent the installation in any live situation. Once the issues related to 4D itself have been addressed, we can then begin to install the new version in more and more locations.

I am most interested to see how well this version works when logging in via the internet. 4D version 2003 has been working well over the internet, however, speed was an issue when entering transactions. Version 11 is supposed to be much faster in this regard. Time will tell.

I will keep you informed as to how this initial rollout goes.