Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Claims don't show up when trying to submit claims electronically

You try to send a batch of electronic claims and some claims don't get transmitted. Then, when you go to print a batch of claims, all the claims are there. What's happening here?

When you send electronic claims, you can only send claims for one billing provider at a time. If you entered claims for more than one billing provider, not all the claims will be able to be transmitted in one batch.

You have two options here:

1) Change the billing provider you are using for your batch of electronic claims.

When sending a batch of electronic claims, you select which billing provider you want to use by clicking on the name of the billing provider. A pop-up list appears allowing you to select which billing provider for which you wish to send claims.

2) Change the billing provider you entered on the invoice.

You should then be able to send the claim for the missing invoice.