Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Minimum Amount for Patient Bills

Ever wonder what it costs to send out a bill to a patient?

Yes, there are the obvious costs like the printing of the bill, the envelope and return envelope, and the postage to send out the bill - but there are also costs related to the labor to generate the bill, stuff the envelope, mail the bill, and answer patient inquiries about a bill.

There comes a point where the bill is small enough that it doesn't even pay to send it out, so KIP allows you to set a minimum amount to bill a patient.

To access this feature, go to File > Preferences > Billing Preferences and set the minimum amount to bill a patient. The default amount is $0.00. So, for example, if you set it to $3.00, patients will not get a bill below $3.00.

This way you can set your own preset amount as to minimum bill that you wish to generate.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

KIP Version 11 and Snow Leopard are Now Friends

KIP Deluxe version 11 and Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) are made to work well together.

All KIP Version 11 users receive a free upgrade to our Snow Leopard compatible version.

Make sure you upgrade to our latest version of KIP to ensure compatibility prior to installing or upgrading to Snow Leopard.

Updates for Anesthesiology Billing

KIP Deluxe version 11 now includes the following updates for Anesthesiology which may apply to other specialties as well.

1) Provisions for more than one treatment provider per claim.

Some anesthesia claims require that multiple treatment providers be billed on one claim to be paid.

The example given concerned Blue Cross Blue Shield and a patient in labor who receives a spinal in the labor room by one anesthesiologist and then undergoes a C-section in the OR by another anesthesiologist on the same day. These charges are required to be billed on the same claim (either electronically or on paper).

As you can see in the line item image below, each line item can now have a unique provider. To reach this area, click the double triangles to the left of the word Diagnosis when editing an invoice.

Editing the provider on a CPT line in handled with a single click. No typing is needed.

2) Anesthesia minutes and units

Anesthesia billing requires both minutes and units on the claim. KIP always allowed both the minutes and units on the claim, however, KIP now calculates the units automatically once the anesthesia minutes are entered.